date_range 15–19 July, 2024

location_on Institute of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of São Paulo (IME-USP), Brazil

Deadline for submission of talks or posters:

15/03/2024    31/03/2024

Deadline for registration as a participant:


Registration is currently closed. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at

Fees (in brazilian reais):

  • Professors: R$ 450 (R$ 500 non-reduced value)
  • Postdoctoral researchers: R$ 250 (R$ 300 non-reduced value)
  • PhD students (or PostDoc without scholarship): R$ 150 (R$ 200 non-reduced value)
  • Master students: R$ 120 (R$ 170 non-reduced value)
  • Undergraduate students: R$ 50 (R$ 100 non-reduced value)


If you come from abroad then the fee will be collected (in brazilian reais) at the registration desk, the first day of the school.

If you are brazilian resident please make you payment until 10/05/2024 10/06/2024 to ensure a reduced fee. You can make the payment via bank transfer (including PIX) to:

Banco do Brasil (001)
Agência: 3559-9
C/C: 44.336-0
Kostiantyn Iusenko
CPF 234.653.488-93 (chave Pix)

We ask that you send a copy of the receipt to the email right after making the payment. Please write "payment - registration" in the subject of the message, and your full name in the body of the message (as it should appear on the receipt we will issue).